On Sunday 5/13/18 Mother's Day, I was speaking in a service and I heard the Lord tell me that Mother's of sons and daughters have a Supernatural Right to intercede for the affairs those children.  For a minute I was a little amazed at the statement but I repeated it out loud to the congregation.  I understood then that the Holy Spirit was revealing something to me that I had not known in that manner.  It meant that not only do Mother's have the natural birth-right from pregnancy, but they have a Supernatural birth-right from Mary, Jesus' natural Mother and from Jesus Christ himself.  Now Mom, this word of revelation should help you intercede more effectively for that son or daughter that is not exactly positioned where you would like them to be.  This word is your shiny new key to unlock some breakthroughs in the lives of your children.  Happy Mother's Day and pray until something happens.....Its a Supernatural P.U.S.H.