Breaking Free Crusade 2019

October 28, 2019
Today our BFWC 2019 Crusade ended with a bang with several exciting results coming out of these series of services.  Last Wednesday, Apostle Joshua Giles preached and prophesied until God's presence invaded our church atmosphere so strong until it was tangible.  On Thursday again the presence of God was mighty in our midst as Psalmist Jermia Cannon ministered in song until the glory fell and again Apostle Giles ministered about the Python Spirit from Acts 16 where the Spirit of Divination was cast out of a fortune teller by Paul and Silas.  On Friday night our speaker Apostle Yolanda Powell had to miss due to the death of her mother, whom we knew in advance was seriously ill.  So, our Psalmist Sister Jermia lead us in a mini-concert session until again the room was filled with the glory of God and the presence of God made the room feel like it was spinning.  On Sunday, Bishop Major McIntyre ministered from the book of Ruth where Naomi decided not to allow the bitter waters of Mara to have the "last word" over her life.  Instead, she convinced her daughter-in-law and herself not to allow the bitter challenges in life that they had experienced to cause them to be bitter.  Bishop told us that people with "roots of bitterness" are contagious and spread their bitterness throughout their surrounding peers.  So if you are reading this little post, don't allow the bitter episodes in your life to contaminate you and cause your life to be bitter.  Decide today along with Me that the Joy of the Lord is my Strength and though some of the encounters in my life were hard and I didn't understand why some of them happened, I will not allow those encounters to make me Bitter.  God Bless,  RY  

You can't Loose with the Rock I Use

April 30, 2019
Recently the Lord gave this message for a Church Anniversary I was invited to just recently.  I shared the message a little with a few of my close friends and they were encouraged by it so I keep praying and building on the Word.  Jesus said "that upon this Rock" I will build my Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.  Then the story of David killing the giant Goliath with one of five smooth stones are the basis for the thought.  Jesus, being tempted of the devil to change ...
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Encore Restoration 2019

March 11, 2019
First let me catch you up on what this Restoration Decree has brought about to this point.  Many lives have been changed and challenged since last October.  It really is miraculous what we have been seeing at Cross Roads Church since that time.  Now God is getting us ready for a Rain of Favor that I believe will take us through 2019 like a Whirl Wind and set in motion this new Elijah Anointing that I believe will manifest soon especially in younger Christians under the age of 35.  Something G...
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Restoration October Close-out Plea

October 29, 2018
With only a few days left in October, I wanted to let all my followers, viewers and readers know that you still have time to join in this fresh Anointing that we just experienced.  All week we were in anticipation of a great BFWC crusade and our God showed up for us.  Thanks to all the Men and Women of God who were a part of our Restoration Crusade; you all were powerful.  There were a lot of obstacles that we had to overcome over the last week, but God was faithful to help us.  So, if you di...
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October 8, 2018
From now until the end of the month, we are declaring is Season Restoration October.  We are asking God in prayer to renew Churches, Pastors, Leaders, Communities, the Economic environments all around our local area and beyond.  Joel, chapter 2 talks about the former rain and latter rain and how God will restore what the cankerworm, caterpillar, and palmerworm have destroyed.  So your Shepherd wants to restore your Soul, your Family, your Health, your Relationships; yes any and every Person, ...
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Why can't we be United

September 19, 2018
While I would far from truth to say this short article is not to reach new people, members, or people who want to know Jesus; I have noticed that Pastors and Churches whether intentional or not are in constant competition with one another.. I don't know why Humans struggle to control their competitive nature.  Yes it can be useful in some areas and arenas, but not much use among the Household of Faith.  All that happens is Men and Women strive, bite and devour one another until the unsaved do...
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Bust Up In Your Life

August 26, 2018
I know I don't have much of a message today, but my only question is"what are you going to do about Jesus"  He has done all that needs to be done for you and 'IT IS FINISHED".  Now the ball in is in your Court, yeah the Shoe is on the other foot now;  "NOW" "what are you going to do about Jesus".  Throw your hands up right now and give Him your heart.   Take it from this not so perfect but heart rendered COG-------Jesus does Body of Christ GOOD!!!!

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Everlasting Doors

July 30, 2018
Through the month of July I have had the joy of preaching about the Doors of God.  Somehow that message evolved into Visions & Dreams.  So this past week I had one of my favorite Ministry opportunities to share the combo message together.  Rev. 3:8,20 Jesus sets before us an Open Door, no man can shut; in John 10:7 Jesus says I am the Door, every other way is a thief and robber; in Exodus 33:8-9 Moses would go out to talk with God in the Tabernacle and when Moses entered the Door, the cloudy ...
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Money, Sex, & Sin

June 24, 2018
The forbidden zone of preaching:  The three topics above are taboo and forbidden sermon subjects today especially in the African American church world, and in the church world in general for that matter.  First, everyone needs more money so even though none of you like to talk about it because some think its the only subject that Church leaders, Pastors and Preachers are concerned about----the truth is that all of us need more of it.  Every day for some of every thing.  So why are we having s...
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Royal Weddings

May 20, 2018
Today I watched the Royal Wedding and it was fascinating how much it was compared to Princess Dianna's marriage from years ago.  I was in college during that earlier wedding and I remember how much I looked forward to being married one day.  Today, I been married for many years and have children in college and Harry and Meghan seemed to be so in love today.  People from around the world watched on site, on television, on social media and every other way possible and even if there were some op...
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About Me

On Fire for Jesus but challenged to turn a small Ministry mindset into a modern day soul winner. In the Bible belt states of the South, it seems that big church ideals are frowned upon, but I will yet praise God. Things will get better, we ain't seen nothing yet. Stay tuned.

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