Trust the Authenticity of the Love Letter
Posted by Randolph Young on Monday, April 2, 2018
Do you remember when you were a kid in grade shcool and you wrote a love letter to the little girl or little boy across the classroom or playground that you really liked. Do you remember that you were too afraid to go over and tell them so you would pass the note through some delivery person and sometimes you would pass the note across the classroom and several people might touch it and sometimes even read it. You took a chance or being laughed at, rejected, or ostrisized by everyone, but you had confidence enough that the letter would reach the person you intended it to and no fear that it might be mis understood. So it is with the Bible which is God's Love Letter to men and women everywhere. Book manufacturers and publishing companies have made millions printing this Love Letter no matter how controversial, misunderstood, or old-fashioned it may seem. When I sent the Love Letter as a kid, it was not the actual letter that I hoped the receiver would embrace, but it was Me. So it is with the Bible, its not the book, or letters, or words; the truth is that the Word is Jesus. The Bible, the Word of God is really Jesus and for us to be like Him we also must become the Word. So in conclusion, I need every reader here to read your Bible. Get filled with the Word of God, then go and share the Word with everyone you love and know they need it. The Word is filled with Answers, Power, Love, Wisdom, Solutions, Plans, Strategies, Lessons, Blueprints: just about anything you need to know pertaining to your life and others can be found in the Word of God. Jesus is the Answer!!